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My Belmonte Sara Molho
[English site overview]

Prefaces by Sara Molho:

·         About the Marranos of Belmonte

·         A Personal Outlook [soon]

Articles & narrative-chapters
 by diverse authors

·         History of the Jews in Portugal / Elias Lipiner

·         Thoughts on Antonieta Garcia’s (1993) The Jews of Belmonte – the Paths of Memory / Sara Molho

·         “Matron Rabbis” or Rabbis?  / Sara Molho [new]

Findings & Personal Impressions:

·         Feathers, Angels, Scales - Sacred Matters / Sara Molho

1. Rainbows

2. Angels

3. “Ave de Pena”

4. Marrano Kippur and Passover

5. Kinds of Scales & Ladders [new]

6. Guttman-Scale analysis [partly]


·         General Bibliography

·         Timeline

·         Email:

A website created by
Sara Molho  ©  1996-2008

Please check at the end of each individual article/chapter who holds the specific copyright and under what conditions - if at all - one can copy the text.